Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Collin had his first day of kindergarten today. He was so excited, he couldn't wait for school to start. When we dropped him off today the teacher read this book called: "The Kissing Hand." It is one of the cutest books I have ever heard, I highly recommend it. It is about a raccoon that doesn't want to go to school, his Mom, tells him a secret about giving him a kiss in his hand so that he can always remember her. The raccoon goes to school and when ever he felt lonely he looked at his hand and felt better.
When the teacher was done she told the kids to go five their Moms a kiss in our hands. It was so cute. Then it was time for us to leave, he was fine when I left, and I cried. All the way home. I am pretty sure I will cry again. I love my Collin and am so excited for him. I am going to miss him. I hope you have a great year Collin.

Showing me how excited he is to go to school.

He is getting so big!


J N H said...

SO cute!! Please let me know the name of that book

J-mee!! said...

LOVE it!!! G and C start tomorrow. G will be starting 1st and C will continue in Pre-K! :)